Step #6 is to Lighten Up.
Take a few moments now and look at how your life feels to you. Does your life feel like a bird soaring on the winds of change, or does it seem to be a burden that weighs you down? If it seems like a weight, then it’s time to lighten up.
You can take this suggestion quite literally.
Whether it’s the load of stress you deal with, processed foods you eat, or extra weight so many people carry around today; it’s time to Lighten Up.
This final concept in our series is another simple idea with very powerful effects.
Consider how much of your day you spend worrying about something that happened or that might happen? A new model of thought to follow may be: ‘If I can’t do something about it now, I’m not going to worry about it.’ This will free up time for other things you like or that you can do something about. It may seem simple to do, but it is not easy.
Take a look at the food you eat. How do you feel after your meal? If you feel tired like
you need a nap, it may be what you just ate is weighing you down. Look at how much of the meal was fresh fruits and vegetables? How much was meat and processed foods? The current trend believes a lot of meat is necessary to get enough protein in your diet, but that may not be true for you.
Too much protein is quite heavy on your system and takes a long time for your body to process. Consider combining it with more fruits and veggies when you eat is a simple way to lighten up any meal. When you add more fresh fruit and vegetables, it reduces the digestion load on your system that can otherwise drain your energy. And as a bonus, it gives you vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients so vital to your health. Double bonus; being easier for your body to process means less of a tired feeling and more energy to get through your day.
One important area of food to look at — is the labels. Do you actually know what the ’ingredients’ are that you are eating? You may have sensitivities to things that can be hidden in the ingredients. One example is many people are sensitive to MSG, but it can be listed under many names on labels, such as ‘hydrolyzed protein’ or even as ‘natural flavorings.’ You may want to consider the old adage: ‘When in doubt, leave it out.’
Are you someone who struggles with their weight? Whether it’s 10 pounds or 50 pounds, that extra weight can weigh you down mentally as well as physically. There are simple, easy ways to accomplish this goal. We can work to overcome your obstacles and develop a plan that suites you.
Lighten up on yourself. Try not to end your day going over what went wrong, focus on what went right. The sun will come up tomorrow and bring a new day to start again.
Life is meant to be good and for you to be happy. Don’t take things so seriously. Life is too short to be so serious all the time. Find things that make you smile or laugh and do them often.
Remember the suggestions for stress, they apply here as well. Let go of what you can't do anything about. Focus on the things you can. Accept the things you cannot change. All very fitting here for you to lighten up on yourself. Focus on what makes you feel good. Your feelings are your guide to know you’re heading in the right direction.
There are many excellent music videos available to play anytime you need to relax, lighten up your mood or just play in the background as you do other things.
All the suggestions in this series are very simple and easy to make a part of your daily life. Give yourself time to incorporate these ideas. Pick two to start with for the first week. Then add one or two each week. In just a few weeks you will be well on your way to having better health for a lifetime.
One final thought to end here, the song from years ago:
“Don’t worry, be Happy,” is a good idea to incorporate in life.
Live by it .. Don’t worry .. and .. be happy!