#5 is to Detox
Removing toxins helps your body rejuvenate health.
How does our body get toxic?
Much of what causes stress in our lives also builds up toxins in the systems of our body. When a system is over-saturated with toxins, it starts to break down. There is a simple experiment you can do to demonstrate. Start adding sugar or salt to water, when the water is saturated, the sugar or salt will no longer dissolve. It’s the same with toxins in our body.
Our bodies are amazing organisms that are able to remove a normal toxic load, until we become saturated. At that point, the toxins start to wreak havoc on your body, and the systems begin to break down. Just like when you stress a branch beyond it’s strength,
it breaks.
What kind of things are toxic to our bodies?
In the section on stress, we mentioned processed foods adding to stress, these same elements build up as toxins in the body. Emotional stress causes adverse chemical reactions in the body that are toxic. Our environment is a major contributor to the build up of toxins in our body. Look around, it’s the exhaust from cars and factories, pollutants in the water, as well as pesticides that are used on our foods, just to name a few. Even the overload of EMF with our modern lifestyles are toxic to our system.
It is good to know that our bodies are designed to eliminate much of the toxins that we are exposed to, but not to the extent we have today. The body finds other ways to deal with the overload like storing them in tissues to be released and processed later. But when the systems are constantly saturated, the build up continues.
There are ways we can help assist our body from the overload and that is by cleansing and detoxifying.
There is a difference between ‘cleansing’ and ‘detoxing.’
Cleansing, as we refer to it here, is a way of cleaning the residue of toxic elements from the pathways of your body, such as the veins, arteries, small intestines, large intestines, colon, etc. Detoxifying refers more of getting the toxins out of the tissues structures. When the body is saturated with toxins, it will store them in tissues like fat cells or your skin. Even joint pain can be from a toxic build up.
Simple Ways To Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body.
A word of caution here. Be careful of products that promote detoxifying the body.
Pay very close attention to how you feel if you choose them. All toxins have to be processed by the liver before they are eliminated. If they are removed at a higher rate than the liver can handle, you may not feel well.
You may feel nauseated, or have pain or distress in the abdominal area. It may show up as aches and pains in muscles and joints, headaches or feeling tired all the time. Any of these could be signs that your liver is overloaded. Stop for a few days. When you start again, go at a slower pace, maybe half of what you had done before. It took a long time to get this way, it will take more than a few weeks to get them all released.
A more natural approach is always a good place to start. Eating fresh fruits and veggies puts more fiber in your diet that binds to toxins for elimination. Something as simple as drinking more water is essential for removing toxins from your body. You can add one quarter of a lemon or 1 teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar to amplify the process.
Another simple one is taking 2 capsules of activated charcoal every night for a week. Activated charcoal is known to absorb toxins and is actually used in hospitals for cases of overdose. Not for extended use as it binds with minerals you need too.
You can do searches on your own for ways to detox your body. Many of the approaches have not given me the results expected. Do what you feel is right for you. You will find most practitioners don’t think this is important, but it truly is. To have a healthy body, you must have a healthy environment for your body to work in.
Remember: Prevention is better than treatment.
Preventing a problem is always better than trying to alleviate a condition once it develops. When it comes to your health, taking responsibility to make the best choices possible can prevent health issues from developing. Your due diligence along with informed choices can be a powerful combination for a healthier life. Here is a great blog that has 8 easy ways to detoxify.
Many chronic health issues today are attributed to the toxic build up in your body. For those dealing with health issues, it’s always advisable to check with your doctor. Working with the first 4 steps in our ‘6 Easy Steps For Better Health’ series, you will find they also help reduce the toxic load that has built up. As you incorporate each step into your daily routine, you will begin to notice positive changes in how you feel with all aspects of your life: emotionally, mentally as well as physically.
There are many teas that promote the detoxing process. One to make note of is an amazing tea that gently detoxifies; it’s called Flor-Essence. It’s an old Indian Medicine recipe and available at many health food stores and online. People have had remarkable results with this tea.
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