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What is your Body trying to Tell you?


Symptoms are an expression of what is going on in your life. 

Your inner wisdom is always trying to communicate with you.  This wisdom does so

through ideas, notions, feelings and symptoms your body is expressing.   Whatever your body is manifesting externally is the result of what is going on internally.

Dr. Christiane Northrup found during her 25 years of practice, particular symptoms generally accompanied specific experiences in the lives of her patients.  A new patient filled out detailed information as to what was happening in their life, then their reason for seeking medical attention.  Over the years she noticed a direct correlation between a person’s experiences and  their symptoms.

Dr. Bradley Nelson noticed the same thing during 20 years of practice.  In his book, “Manifest Perfect Health,” he states how your body will express a symptom signaling a problem that needs attention.  Many times it starts out as imbalances and if these imbalances are not corrected, over time lead to serious health conditions.

Based on his observation, imbalances in organs or glands seemed to affect certain muscles or muscle groups and often affect the joints.  This eventually leads to inflammation and pain as the joint malfunctions, commonly known as arthritis.  

Arthritis may be the end effect, but it starts with pain and inflammation.  The symptoms may be the result of imbalances in muscle and joint areas or even diet related.  The pain and inflammation is your body letting you know something is out of balance.  

Psychology Today goes into the research that shows pain being a sign of emotional distress.  They have found people with PTSD and anger issues have chronic pain in specific areas.  And people with depression or anxiety suffer from a different kind of pain on the order of fibromyalgia, as hurting all over.

People generally cover up pain with medication, and often only obtain marginal results.  Not addressing the root cause, pain continues as does deterioration of the condition.  Another approach may be to see what needs to be resolved.  Once the underlying cause is removed, symptoms tend to fade.

Consider the emotions behind your self-esteem.  They are a major contributor behind reactive behavior.  Reactive behavior is when you automatically do something you really don’t want to do, like overeat.  Many people who struggle with being overweight say they have tried everything but are unable to have long term success.  Being overweight is an external expression of what’s going on internally with emotions.

Imbalances - what causes them?

Much of our modern lifestyles are a main factor behind the symptoms we experience.  Stress is considered the number one contributor.  There are a myriad of emotions that are a part of the general stress you feel.  Take a typical drive to work in heavy traffic.  You may experience anger, helplessness, despair, nervousness, frustration or overwhelm.  

Add to that the painful experiences in life as in grief with the death of a loved one, loss of a job, or the feeling of betrayal.  Consider when you were growing up all the unresolved emotions you experienced such as rejection, feeling unworthy or shame.  These can put a strain on your system and develop into symptoms.

The latest research is showing emotions may be the main reason behind physical ailments.  Harvard Medical, Psychology Today, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bradley Nelson and Gary Craig of EFT, to name a few, all agree that emotions create physical symptoms.  Here is a short video affirming this concept.

Harvard Medical found emotions that build up as anxiety have been implicated in several chronic physical illnesses, including chronic respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal conditions and heart disease. When people with these illnesses have untreated anxiety, the disease itself is more difficult to treat.  And their research has found physical symptoms often become worse. [5]

In his work, Dr. Nelson found common connections between muscles, organs and glands.  For example, if you have left knee pain, you are likely to have an imbalance of the adrenal glands.  Right knee pain may indicate an imbalance in the gall bladder.  Low back pain relates to imbalances of the kidneys or the uterus in women.  Neck pain can also indicate a kidney imbalance.  He believes the imbalances are caused by emotional energy trapped in the body.

Anita Moorjani is an ideal example.  She was a very strict organic vegetarian, who was always careful to do the right thing.  However, Anita lived with social pressures to which she could not conform and was in constant fear of getting cancer.  Her fears were realized.  

In a coma from end stage lymphoma, she encountered a Near Death Experience.  During her NDE- she felt no fear and had absolute peace.  The message from beyond said to bring the peace she felt back to her life here and use it to heal her body.  Anita’s book, ‘Dying To Be Me",’ is her story.  She now lives a fearless life, filled with gratitude and peace — and is cancer free.  

Emotions are energy that create a feeling in your body.  If the energy of the emotion is not released, it becomes stored somewhere in the tissues of your body.  If you still feel

sad when you think of something long ago, we call that a trapped emotion.  Trapped emotional energy can build up causing undo pressure on areas, creating a state of dis-ease in that region.

Understand that it is quite normal to feel the emotion during the experience.  An example being an upset stomach at the time you are experiencing something that makes you nervous.  Having an upset stomach all the time is a sign you need to take a look at what’s behind it.

Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. This is one type of “mind/body connection.” When you are stressed, anxious, or upset, your body reacts in a way that might tell you that something isn’t right. For example, if left unresolved, you might develop high blood pressure after a particularly stressful event, such as the death of a loved one. [6]

The ‘Biology Of Belief’ by Dr. Bruce Lipton shows a direct correlation between how you feel and symptoms being experienced.  The Emotion Code and The Body Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson, as well as EFT and other Emotional Release Techniques, work to clear trapped emotional energies.  When you remove the root cause, physical symptoms tend to fade away.  Being an Emotional Release Therapist, I have found them to be valuable resources in helping clients get the results they are looking for in a natural way.


Manifest Perfect Health, Dr. Bradley Nelson

Dying To Be Me, Anita Moorjani; 

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