Who am I ?
Bobbe Perry
Emotional Release Therapist
Helping you to release all that is holding you back from living life fully.
Certified EFT Practitioner - Life Coach
Realize the Power of Your Words
My younger years, found me struggling with many debilitating conditions that really limited my life. Things like hypoglycemia, Meneryes Disease, migraine headaches, my hands and fingers were completely numb, and these were the main issues. Changing my diet and lifestyle helped, but never really resolved them. Medical tests and scans showed no reason and the medication just made things worse. That was back in the day when the internet was just getting started, not like the wealth of information available today.
About 20 years ago, I came across EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique from Gary Craig. With this simple process, I found vast improvements in all the issues I was dealing with. Within a few months, almost all of them were no longer there, gone.
A new life opened up for me and I wanted to share it with the world. Many friends and relatives have benefited. My next step was to complete training and be certified. With EFT, things in my life were changing for the better, and it just keeps getting better and better. That's why I say, there just may be... A Better Way For You.
And now, I'm available to help you as well.

Sharing with you knowledge and wisdom gained through my years for you to benefit from.
My family has always been the center of my life.
In the last few years, as even the grandkids are growing past needing me, it has opened the doors for me to share the knowledge and wisdom that I have accrued. You are welcome to take advantage of these skills and benefit from them.
One of my primary interests are more natural ways to live life. Another major improvement for me was with the elimination of chemical based products, like toothpaste, hair products and skin care, as well as cleaners and detergent. It seems that most products are made with ingredients that are toxic, but considered 'safe' in small amounts.
A little easier these days with cleaning products, but my goal was to eliminate all chemicals from products for my personal use. I decided if the ingredients were not edible, then maybe it is better not to use them in my mouth or on my skin.
The first one developed is an all natural, good enough to eat, Tooth Powder. As friends and family will attest, this Tooth Powder is amazing and refreshing with that feel you get from having your teeth polished from the dentist.
Finishing up the testing with real people now on Body Wash and Skin Lotion. All made with natural ingredients that you actually know what it is when you see it on the label.
If you are interested, please let me know.
You can send an email to: abetterwayforyou@mail.com