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Water of Life


Step 2 is Hydration.

Water ... How can something so basic, so fundamental to life be so misunderstood? Do an internet search and you’ll find numerous articles that give information, much is contradictory. One will say distilled water is the best and another that it is not good for your body.

The newest treatment is reverse osmosis or R/O water, and it is the process that is done whenever you see water that has been ‘Purified’. This process basically does the same thing as distillation of water, only using filters instead of heat. Many have the opinion it’s the best water to drink, while others say it’s bad for you. It really is confusing.

Gilbert Ling, a biochemist scientist who was a pioneer in the field of research on cellular physiology, discovered that water in human cells is not ordinary water (H2O), but something far more structured and organized. That is the premise of this article; water that is the most beneficial for your body’s health.

Most of what people drink today does very little to hydrate the body. Coffee is actually a diuretic and literally flushes fluids from your body along with essential electrolytes. The same goes with almost all flavored drinks. If it has a list of ingredients with additives and coloring, it does not truly hydrate your body.

You may be putting fluids in your body, but that doesn’t mean your body is getting hydrated from those fluids. Hydration is when the fluid you take in is actually able to enter the cellular wall so the cells can work at their optimum level.

The majority of us were taught that water was simple and that all water is basically the same. It is far more complex than you can imagine. Water is essential to all living things. But all water is not equal in how it interacts with the cells of your body.

Only water in its natural state, balanced with minerals and properly structured, provides true hydration for your body. It can truly be called ‘Living Water’ for it is alive with energy beneficial to living cells. The more natural the source of water is, the better it is for your body’s cells.

R/O [reverse osmosis] and distilled water have been adulterated, artificially changed. The water has been taken out of its natural state of balance by removing minerals and the structure of the water. Zoltan P. Rona MD MSc states, “The longer one drinks distilled water, the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state.” Additionally, Dr. Mercola says, “Reverse osmosis, like distillation, creates fairly acidic water, and it also strips the water of minerals. Both methods change the structure of water as well that can have an adverse affect on your body.”

Cutting edge research, done over the last 10 years by Dr. Gerald Pollak, discovered what’s considered to be the fourth phase of water beyond the liquid, solid and vapor phases of which we know. His research shows water has structure as well. What he discovered was the water in our cells is not regular water, but highly structured water with special properties. According to Dr. Pollak, the fourth phase of water is not H2O but H3O2, and he refers to it as living water. It’s more viscous, dense, and alkaline than regular water. It has a negative charge, can hold energy (much like a battery), and can deliver energy too. Light from the sun, grounding to the earth, and movement all promote the structuring of water.

Given this last statement, it appears that when we get back to what is truly natural (the earth, sun and water), all three work in harmony to create a unique environment for our health.

Another big debate is the amount of ‘natural’ water you should drink in a day. The flavored drinks you may have throughout the day really should not be considered as they do very little to hydrate your body. The amount of water you need is in direct correlation to the amount of processed foods you eat.

If your diet is based on more natural foods with lots of fruits and vegetables, 24 to 32 ounces a day of water may be enough. If your diet consists of mainly processed and dried food, like chips, boxed and prepared foods and such, you may need more than 64 ounces a day to process all the dry matter you are ingesting.

Even being slightly dehydrated can lead to fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, and many other ailments we deal with in our lives. Furthermore not enough of the proper kind of water can lead to irregular heartbeats and muscle cramps. And a leading contributor to intestinal and bowel issues, and a major cause behind constipation [followed closely by medications].

Water, something so simple and basic to our lives, yet so misunderstood. Give your body what it needs to work better for you. Look at what you eat, then drink more natural [spring] water accordingly and watch what happens. The results can be life changing.

Some final thoughts: You may think that buying any kind of water filter for your home would be enough, not necessarily. There are vast difference between the various products available. Finding one that does everything is truly rare. Here are 3 of my top choices at varying price ranges with only one being a complete package that does it all with restructuring water.

#3 Choice is from AquaTru. A quality product that removes contaminants in the water with a filtration system, PFAS along with chlorine and up to 90% of Fluoride.

Pros: convenient pitcher style; portable; alkalizes the water; water tastes great.

Cons: Does not fully remove all the fluoride or fully restructure the water; only filters one gallon at a time, a bit pricey.

#2 Choice is made by Alexapure. Convenient, countertop unit that can travel with you but takes up more space than AquaTru. Pros: Removes all fluoride from the water along with contaminants; larger holding tank—2.25 gallons; keeps original minerals in the water; water tastes great; and cost effective. Cons: Can travel with you but bulky; does not restructure water.

#1 Choice is the Water Purification System by Radiant Life. This one does it all. Pros: 14 stage filtration system; filters 99.99% of all contaminants out of the water including fluoride and PFAS; large holding tank; remineralizes the water; and through their proprietary process, restructures the water as well; and the water tastes great.

Cons: Not portable; costs more as it is a complete system.

This article does not claim to be the authority on water. It is meant to introduce you to concepts that promote better health. It is the second article in the series; “6 Simple Steps for Better Health”. Steps that are simple and easy to implement in your life that have profound benefits to your health.


Dr. Gerald Pollak, PhD. The Fourth Phase of Water, Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor Ebner & Sons (May 2013)

Gilbert N. Ling. A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell. Pacific Press, 2001Connection of structured water to earthing:

Rona, Zoltan P. and Martin, Jeanne Marie. Return to the Joy of Health, Vancouver, Alive Books, 1995.

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